XI – Passion Tarot



“puissant energy and persuading charisma”

power, vitality, vibrancy and sexual transformation

Venus in Leo

Isis, Ishtar/Inanna, Astarte, Aphrodite, Babalon

date and ritual
11.11 11:11, the Canicular Days – Sexual Magick, Sensuality

Path of Theth: Chesed – Geburah

This card’s main motive is a strong and dominant woman, riding a lion. The lion or the beast breathes fire, which inflames its rider without harming her. This woman feels herself to be a goddess. Her chakras are ignited from below and the fire-serpent is wandering up to the woman’s crown. The crown bears the eight-pointed expanding star, the symbol of Ishtar and expanding forces. In other Tarot decks the woman is taming the lion, which is quite different from riding him. Instead of restraining the beast’s strength, she is benefiting from it, resisting the destructive force of its flames. She is using the rising energy for her own purposes. While the beast has power, it can only use it in a destructive way – it needs a rider to focus its strength and passion. The rider is channeling the energy through her body to her mind. She is able to use it in a creative and constructive manner.  The uni-corned beast represents the fertilizing sword. It is a reference to the celestial son, the liberator or the alchemical „spiritus mercurius“ in context to the woman who eventually catches and bridles the beast. Depending on the myth or folklore, this woman can be a virgin or a harlot. In Christianity she is represented by both – the Mother Mary and Mary Magdalena – let us just say, there is a reason they have the same name.  In a hermetic context the seven serpents can refer to the seven daughters, days of the week, chakras or planets and the formula of „Ararita“. The symbolism does correlate to the scarlet woman riding the beast (compare to Revelations 17:3) and to a fitting archetype – Crowley’s Babalon, the newly invented great harlot and modern form of Inanna.  The rider’s mouth is covered by a mask because she does not reach her goals through conversion with words, but through action. She is naked and shows her sexual attributes with self-confidence, without being a victim or feeling objectified. Instead, she is enjoying her role and the moment, without thinking about consequences or restrictions. This phase in life can be marked by great works, sparkling from inspiration, creativity, and passion. The great cup behind the couple symbolizes the receiving principle, despite her rather male attributes like control, activity and the narrative of riding or taming. These ambivalent characteristics lead to the conclusion that this ride cannot last for longer than it must. Often, we lose control, because we cannot let go. Riding the beast for too long would lead to chaos or cascadic reactions of disintegration. But we all must learn to know when it is time to dismount the beast again, otherwise the symbols quickly develop into a negative way, leading to addictions, confusion, and depression. However, creation without reason, adventures and ecstasy can be positive characteristics of this card, if learned how to ride the beast in a healthy way, for a healthy amount of time.

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