This card is deeply connected to the Major Arcana card of “VI The Lovers”. While the Ace of Cups gave as an idea of intuition from the inner sources, the Two of cups symbolizes mutual fertilization. The two cups, just like the two pillars Boaz and Jachin, with their emblems of sun and moon are equally balanced. Often, we even shield this kind of union from our daily lives, which may seem too ordinary for this seemingly holy process. “Solve et coagula” – dissolve and coagulate, in peace and harmony, to develop the next steps together. In all their harmony, the two cups are restricted from outside forces. These two forces would rejoin into each other until eternity if they could. No force can get in or escape for that matter. This alchemical process cannot be disturbed. Each third party would be recognized as intruder and warded as such. The goal of this card is to enjoy this harmonic process, but to find a way forward, before too much energy is lost. Our current condition cannot be regarded as a perpetuum mobile unfortunately, but must work towards a goal, to be resolved somehow. If this process is deeply comprehended, we may be able to repeat it several times during our cycles. To do so, we must understand how it works. After all, if we were able to find unity and harmony once, it is likely to learn how to achieve it again. Like any ritual, the path follows a series of carefully executed sequences. If we’re able to learn to repeat them, we may be able to change our routines for the better and to establish a foundation that can help us during our whole lives.