The Princess of Cups is the original „Moonchild“. She is kneeling on the roots of a mycelium, dreaming, and sliding away from reality into the world of dreams, fantasy, and illusion. The environment loses its form, and the barriers untether their coherence. The world transforms into being one with the princess. The mycelium connects her to the depths of earth, as well as to the endless sea of Binah.
The mushrooms give us an idea of this unity and may open the gates to a path that will lead down into the darkness. In this case, this darkness not necessarily is menacing or pressuring, but can be a safe haven for the distressed mind.
The princesses’ hair is representative for the veil, which dissolves slowly and voluntarily, without harming the sensitive structure of the borders, which separate the realms from each other.
The poppies and the mushrooms are a hint, that this state can be achieved either by dreaming, by trance or with the help of earthly gifts.
The princess has usually a gentle mind and is sensual and tender by nature.
She means no malicious intent, but tends to mesmerize and hypnotize others, since they are not in the same state of mind. Her innocence seems to be harmless but is her greatest strength in luring others into her circle. She can disrupt order and stability with her melancholy and romantic ideas. These ideas are strongly opposed to the harsh reality and routines that life is embedded into. All structures lose form and if we are not ready to let go, we are likely to lose stability. It is healthy to let go sometimes. However, self-deception and getting lost is a true threat and issue with the princess.
The relaxation can lead to a well of creativity, which can be transcended into form, if managed skillfully.
Her longing for the source is honest and unblameable. She seeks union with the tides of the sea, the subconsciousness, and the inner world.
All, that which she experiences in this state seems unrealistic to the mind and is often deeply symbolic by nature. These symbols are not to be taken literally, there is danger in a logical translation. The princess would argument, that realism is overrated, for it is subjective and doesn’t exist anyway, since all is maya or illusion. This instruction can be learned from the princess, who can be a wise teacher in the best cases and help to dissolve rigid structures, which can imprison the mind, if to gridlocked. It is important to not degrade the illusions of others or devalue the worldviews, which do not correspond to our own. Since there is no universal truth, we are all warranted to live in our own subjective world and have a right to an own will and choice in interacting with others. This respect can lead to a better understanding and interaction with people and eventually leads to a development of a growing inner peace, in realizing, that truth has many ankles, and that reality has more layers, then we are able to comprehend on our own.