Eight of Wands
„new paths from old ideas“
knowledge, progress, mobility, flexibility
Hod through Atziluth
This card is as much about spiritual or mental progress, as it is about transforming ideas into substance. Mobility and flexibility are features, which are a necessity for a fruitful outcome. The acknowledgement of time and space is essential in this endeavor. Every step has it’s time and its place. Outside forces may want to disrupt the own timetable, but our actions need to flow steady to be maintained according to the own will.
It is essential, to trust in our path, but stay flexible, nevertheless. Inner impulses may emerge and are easily implemented into the process and workflow. But we must beware of rash decisions. We can learn from nature that every growth needs both, space and time to flourish.
The enflamed mind tends to be hasty. We need to take care of our own bodies and feelings to cool it down a bit. This path, thematized in the card of the Eight of Wands, can be a harmonic experience, if not disturbed. Set and setting are important now, while focus and devotion are of the essence too. „As above so below, but a bit different“ could be the statement of this card. The geometry and form on this card looks the same, above and below, but there are small but important differences. As matter transcends into spirit, the serpent on this card below, turns into floating lines above. Her complex sheds transform into harmonic stripes and vice versa. This process is not fixed, but can change direction often, during the length of this period. It’s no blazing flash of inspiration which takes form, but rather a lifelong process, which is fruitful in the end. Remember, no tree develops all fruits at the same time and one perfect fruit doesn’t mean that the other ones are not wormy. All stages of growth are relevant for the overall outcome. The condition and decisions of our lives, including all work and relationships, add up, to become the fruits we can harvest one day. Compare to Major Arcana card of the Aeon, where we must learn: the “new” always emerges from the “old” and every decision taken has consequences, for the better or the worse.