Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

„there is no satisfaction“

challenging illusions and temptations, choices to be made, choosing a path

Netzach through Briah


The cups on this card are filled up to the top with various temptations. They appear as gifts at first, but may be distractions from the true path. The serpents on the Seven of Cups card correspond to those on the Seven of Swords card. There is a difference between those cards though. The Seven of Swords is all about illusion and seduction from outside forces. The Seven of Cups however, challenges us with our own choices.
The cups are filled with gold and goods, which promise satisfaction, but offer only distractions. The craving would get stronger, the more these gifts are enjoyed improvident. These unsatisfactory joys correspond to the torments of Tantalus. He is always so close to fulfilling his needs, but never gets, what he really desires – we must learn there is no ultimate satisfaction in life. The temptations are depicted as 1: fame or glory, 2: addictions 3: power 4: adoration, 5: knowledge and 6: perfection and matter. These symbols were chosen, because they correspond to various spiritual teachings, but there are endlessly more allurements. These trials are subjective and individual.
The seventh challenge regarding the veil, can only be experienced by passing the previous ones.
After negating all those temptations at a certain point, the serpents of temptation would certainly withdraw, the gate would open and may grant a sight beyond the veil.
Unfortunately „just saying no“ is not the way to pass these trials – it wasn’t life, if it would be that easy. There is no preparation either. Neither teachings, nor training can prepare us truly. To resist, without experiencing each of these challenges on our own, may only lead to a growing emptiness and won’t seal the void within. There is a saying, that only the one, who has experienced it all, can truly pass on to the next stage. Exclusively those who fell, would know, how climb the ladder to the top.
We do not have to worry, nothing is truly lost when succumbing to these distractions. Walking on would be much more difficult, the more time has passed, because distractions become habits and habits become the cycles which we are all trapped in. Fortunately the promise of life is not only, that it will lead into a seemingly hopeless labyrinth, but also that nothing lasts forever and there is a way out of everything. Falling and failing is part of the path, so to say.
This card is all about choices and in life there is no wrong choice. When facing these challenges, the key is to don’t lie to our own selves. There is no shortcut or quick way up the tree of life to the top. We must all take our time, enjoy life, and know what we can and cannot do at a specific time. The goal and challenge of this card is, not to deny the fruits, which life has to offer. To walk on in time, after relishing them, is the important thing to do, before they start to rot, since no joy can last forever.